When my house was renovated in the 1970s they replaced the beautiful old doors with cheap plywood doors. I wanted to replace our current doors with some feature doors that help to emphasise the beautiful dimensions of our house while allowing us to make the most of the light and warmth in the different rooms. I have compared options with a range of different doors before making my final decision. This blog talks about our project to select new doors in our home and I hope it will be useful to other people who are trying a similar project and replacing their internal doors.
25 November 2019
Security screens are lightweight, beautiful and privacy-enhancing. Also, as the name implies, security screens offer high levels of protection against undesirable circumstances and situations. However, when purchasing a security screen door, you must consider many things to get the right one. Here is a comprehensive guide of the factors you should consider when shopping for security screens. Types of security doors Security doors come in different types and materials. The main types of security doors include single security doors, laser doors, double-security doors and mesh doors.
18 January 2019
A broken or damaged glass window is a serious security threat because it can be exploited by burglars looking for a way to get into your property. Such windows will also affect your home's energy efficiency and noise control efficiency. As many times as you may need to have your glass windows repaired, you should always consider calling in a professional as opposed to attempting a DIY fix. There are several reasons why repairing windows is best left to the pros, and here is a brief look at some of these reasons.